Bill Gates’ daughter set to marry an Egyptian horse rider


Nayel Nassar a young gentle man who hails from Egypt is set to marry 24-year-old Jennifer Gates, who is studying to be a medical doctor, the daughter of philanthropists Bill Gates, both Nayel Nassar and Jeniffer Gates announced their engagement on their personal verified Instagram account.

The love and relationship story of Gates and Nassar began in 2017, both are passionate riders of the Paris Panthers, which belongs to Gate

This is from Jennifer Gates instagram ‘‘Nayel Nassar, you are one of a kind. Absolutely swept me off my feet this past weekend, surprising me in the most meaningful location over one of our many shared passions,’‘

She also added ‘‘I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives learning, growing, laughing and loving together. Yes a million times over.’‘

Nassaron the other hand also posted pictures of their engagement which happened while on a skiing trip. ‘‘I’m feeling like the luckiest (and happiest) man in the world right about now. Jenn, you are everything I could have possibly imagined..and so much more,’‘ he said.

And he added by saying ‘‘I can’t wait to keep growing together through this journey called life, and I simply can’t imagine mine without you anymore…Here’s to forever!’‘

Jennifer Gates Instagram Account

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Nayel Nassar, you are one of a kind. Absolutely swept me off my feet this past weekend, surprising me in the most meaningful location over one of our many shared passions. I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives learning, growing, laughing and loving together. Yes a million times over. 💍 AHHH!!!

A post shared by Jennifer Gates (@jenniferkgates) on

Nayel Nassar Instagram account

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SHE SAID YES!! 💍 I’m feeling like the luckiest (and happiest) man in the world right about now. Jenn, you are everything I could have possibly imagined..and so much more. I can’t wait to keep growing together through this journey called life, and I simply can’t imagine mine without you anymore. Love you more than you can possibly imagine, and thank you for making every single day feel like a dream to me. Here’s to forever! 😘❤️

A post shared by Nayel Nassar (@nayelnassar) on

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