You might never do ‘Doggy style’ ever again after reading this


South Africa’s Minister of Health, Aaron Motsoaledi told The Insider that Doggy Style is not a good style to practice.

“No two ways that Doggy style is the most practiced sexual position during intercourse, the act is dangerous and can send one to his grave than you could ever imagine”, South Africa’s Minister of Health, Aaron Motsoaledi told The Insider.

According to the minister in the interview, the high pumping of blood during sex, when one is standing or kneeling overloads the veins in the legs which ultimately causes a stroke.

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“On cancer – one of the main causes of cancer is stress, fatigue, and tiredness.

“The most energy consuming and stressful sexual position for men is doggy; hence the connection is more than clear.

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“Look, I am only giving you guys a snippet, but we will be posting the results of the full research on the Ministry website.

According to him, occasional doggy style like only on Christmas day and Valentine is harmless but be sure that each night is suicidal.

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“This is the reason why South African married men die and leave their wives a lot these days,” the 58-year-old man added.

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