Simply put this is 1 minute to make a film with a mobile phone. This is the concept of the Mobile Film Festival.
1 Mobile, 1 Minute, 1 Movie. Only one rule specific to this edition: you have to live on the African continent to participate. The theme is free.
For 15 years, the Mobile Film Festival has defended the values of accessibility and equality by eliminating economic constraints, through the use of mobile phones and free registration for the festival, while promoting creativity through the narrative format in one minute.
Over the past 4 years, the Mobile Film Festival has received more than 4,000 films from 132 countries, generated 78 million views and distributed € 229,000 in production grants.
This 100% African edition (which calls for the participation of all the 54 states of the black continent) is obvious for the Mobile Film Festival. The youngest continent in the world and which has operated a digital revolution around the mobile, Africa sets out to conquer the world thanks to its creativity and its youth, and we humbly wish to support it.
The objective of the Mobile Film Festival Africa is to reveal, support and accompany the talents of African cinemas. By giving a voice to young African filmmakers, without any thematic constraints, the festival opens up all fields of possibilities in terms of genre, style, and universe.
Concrete and operational support with € 18,500 in production aid grants
The amount will be divided among the various winners of this prize, divided into five categories.
- -Grand Prix Africa: 10 000 €
- -French Francophone Film Price : 2 500 €
- -Original Music Price : 2 500 €
- -Documentary Film Price : 2 000 €
- -African Director Price: 1 500 €
Grants will allow the winners to make a film with professional means in the following year. Other prizes will be awarded by the jury: the Female and Male Interpretation Awards. The public will also be invited to present their prize.
The Mobile Film Festival Africa is part of the development of cinema and video in Africa. The jury will be exclusively composed of great personalities of cinema and the arts in Africa. This festival does not impose any language of participation. Films produced in local languages will then be subtitled in French and English to reach the widest audience in Africa and abroad. One of the characteristics of the Mobile Film Festival is that it is 100% digital.
This year, the Mobile Film Festival Africa will present a selection of around fifty one-minute films, which will take place online between June 4 and June 25, 2020.
The call for films is open until May 4. Apply at: ”