There comes a time in life when you concede that actually, fatigue seems to be taking over. You start going to bed and getting up feeling cheated, waking up still feeling exhausted just because even as you slept you still had a dream about that report you are supposed to submit but procrastination and distractions chose to camp at your desk for a couple of days. You feel drained by the hustle and bustle of your work life that some call the rat race (I think rats have it much tougher than us).
It is at such times that you may develop cravings for an escape to a more refreshing space – a space where your comfort is not a dream but a priority. I am talking about a setting where you can shamelessly deposit your fatigue and withdraw only relaxation. Since we long agreed that water is life, the place we are looking for ought to be in a setting that abundantly exudes life. At Lake Kivu Serena Hotel all those boxes and more are ticked.
This Serena does not only take a name from the amazing the lake it shares space with, the two are unreservedly resourceful and pillars of tranquillity that exceeds any known boundaries. The graceful Kivu is a source of not only fish but also the rare methane gas that is used to provide electricity and is shared by Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Lake Kivu Serena Hotel, located in the lake town of Rubavu (formerly Gisenyi) mirrors the same qualities and more. The Serena brand is very recognisable in the region of Eastern Africa and beyond for the fine experience that will leave you satisfied. This comfort gem oozes of tropical splendour surrounded with huge trees that magically give you a calm feeling as you walk in.
Calm down and walk into the path of tranquility
The hotel facilities were designed to literally spoil you with comfort at every turn. From your room, you get to enjoy stunning views of the lake and the gardens but you will most likely step out to watch the sun kiss the water in the evenings for you to live that postcard moment in full. This you can do by chilling at the beach, in the gardens, at the Lake View Bar Terrace, Ziwani Bar or Kiyaga Restaurant. See, you are already spoilt for choice.
Breakfasts at Lake Kivu Serena are clearly etched in my memory given that when you sit out on the terrace of Kiyaga Restaurant lovely black and white wagtail birds occasionally show up as if just to say hello to a long lost friend before they fly back to where ever they came from.
Dinner at Lake Kivu Serena is always an exciting experience – one moment it is self service at a buffet of African dishes another moment graceful waiters and waitresses are taking your orders then there are days when you have an open kitchen where you pick out exactly what you want the chef to cook for you and it is all done as you watch!
On weekends you have a band taking care of your auditory diet by serving a rich menu of sweet melodies of Rwandan songs, country music and of course rumba music. You can’t be that close to DRC and leave without listening to one of the country’s finest exports in the form of rumba. And please do not suppress your urge to pull a few dance moves once the music sinks into your bone marrow just before you retire to the comfort of your room.
There are both indoor and beachside bars and for those who love swimming you have the option of doing it in the lake with the fish or just at the swimming pool that also has a baby pool for the little ones. Children also have a play area in the gardens with a full time staff member to ensure they are safe and happy. Like other Serena facilities, the Maisha Health Centre is here as well in case you desire a good workout in the gym or a massage to relax your body.
By the way if you want to combine comfort with your hustle then Lake Kivu Serena has you covered with its dependable conference facilities. It is ideal for team building and retreats as well as conferences and trainings. There is a fully equipped business centre that offers secretarial services too. Talking about how great the WiFi is in a Serena Hotel is like talking about how the hotel has water flowing through its taps – too obvious.
The live band serves a medley of tunes from across the region and beyond
And this is the part where you need to pay most attention; I honestly don’t know a better venue for a memorable wedding reception in the whole of Rwanda than Lake Kivu Serena where you are spoilt for choice on whether to utilize the beach area, the green gardens or the air-conditioned halls or a combination of all three.
With the festive season already here, this is one place where the only hard time you will have is leaving because the comfort levels are nothing short of addictive.